I'm not sure where to begin? But first, my most heartfelt accolades from one mother to another, for this book, to both of you. The raw, real, honest emotion made me bawl on several occasions. It brought me right back to my "Minnesota roots" as I was born and raised in St. Boni (1.5 hours from St. Cloud). You clearly HAVE paved a pathway if evil shall ever cross anothers path. I'm just so sorry for all that you've endured, however, now through your work, you've made the lives of children everywhere, safer. I've always wanted to tell you that from 1989, as I was a freshman at SCSU that terrible night. I clearly remember sitting in my dorm room at Sherburne Hall as the National Guard was conducting their air searches for Jacob. I have prayed for you often throughout the years and when I leave my porch light on, your precious son always pops up in my mind.

Tomorrow I will be making a special batch of chocolate chip cookies in honor of Jacob's 46th birthday (my sister is just 3 weeks older).

And leaving my porch light on all day from Florida!

May God bless you always,

Stacy O'Neill

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I was the mother of our first son, just a little over a year old, when Jacob was abducted. He, and all of your family, have been in my thoughts since that time. Thank you for sharing his life, and your family, all the way through. Hugs

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